Registration is now underway for SowBridge, a cooperative effort among 15 colleges and universities to provide a series of distance education sessions for those who work with sows, boars and piglets, and with genetic and reproductive issues of swine. Programming begins in early February and will be provided online through Zoom or via a call-in option.
Joel DeRouchey, Kansas State University Extension swine specialist, says participants guide the selection of future topics and speakers, and attendees have the opportunity for live interaction with speakers at each session.
“SowBridge provides all participants with the opportunity to hear directly from industry-leading experts, and to contact those experts following the individual sessions,” DeRouchey explains.
Sessions generally are hosted on the first Wednesday of the month and run from 11:15 a.m. to about 12:15 p.m. Central time.
During each session, participants can ask questions of the industry expert presenter from the comfort of their home, office or swine unit. Each registration provides access to one Zoom connection per session and all program materials provided by presenters.
The cost is $200 for the first registration, and half that amount for each subsequent registration from the same entity.
Registration is due Jan. 20 to ensure participants have access to materials for the first session on Feb. 1. Additional information and a registration form are available on the Iowa Pork Industry Center website or at
Here are the 2023-24 program session dates and topics:
- Feb. 1. Why the concern with feral pigs?;
- March 1. Identifying African swine fever at barn level
- April 5. Foreign animal disease front-line response battles
- May 3. Managing heat-check boars
- May 31. Antimicrobial use and resistance
- July 5. Scours management and mitigation
- Aug. 2. Managing fevers post-farrowing
- Sept. 6. Farm security: How to keep your barn secure
- Oct. 4. Identifying sick sows early; individual sow care
- Nov. 1. Farrowing assistance practices
- Dec. 6. Importance of record keeping
- Jan. 3. Sow mortality considerations
For more information on registration, contact DeRouchey at; or Sheri Hoyer, Iowa State University, at 515-294-4496 or